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Product Code: ARRISVHUB
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The ARRIS VH4000/VH2000 Virtual Hub (VHub) replaces a typical 20,000-customer hub facility with a fully operational hub in a standard node housing. Operators can launch complete systems solutions, such as broadcast/narrowcast (BC/NC) amplification and combining, RFoG, and EPON, from a single VHub. Its modular design also ensures flexibility. Operators can populate the VHub with any combination of up to 12 modules to support both residential and commercial applications. Remote monitoring and control via ARRIS’s Opti-Trace EMS software simplifies management as well.

ARRIS VHubs are available in 6- and 12-slot models, both of which use the same modules and plug-ins, have common headend equipment for operation, and share the same integrated status monitoring and control. With the continual introduction of ever more advanced plug-in modules to meet evolving industry needs, the VHub plays a key role in the applications of today and into the future.

    • A fully operational hub equivalent in a standard node housing
    • Eliminates the need for a hub facility or OTN (average $30k+ each) resulting in no real estate, facilities construction, additional permits, HVAC, or backup generators required
    • Key module commonality with the NC4000 and NC2000 optical nodes also reduces sparing and inventory
    • Supports up to 6 (VH2000) or 12 (VH4000) single width modules including any combination of EDFAs, Light-Plex (optical Narrowcast demux with BC/NC combiners), optical switches, EPON OLT modules and much more
    • Housing may be pedestal or strand mounted without external cooling (operating temperature range of −40° to +65°C)
    • Powering via standard 45-90 VAC coaxial line power supplies (power consumption of less than 50 Watts)
    • Status monitoring and control capabilities via Opti-Trace EMS
    • Support for residential and commercial applications including:
      • Long Link Provisioning
        • Enables Maximum reach of transmitters to be achieved
        • Allows optimal placement of mid stage optical amplifiers
        • Optional Dispersion compensator can be added mid stage to links to further increase range
        • Supports alternate route switching
      • RFoG VHub
        • Extend RFoG downstream and upstream reach significantly beyond the traditional 20 km P2P RFoG limit with VHub
        • Create a 512 HHP RFoG serving area at a legacy node location with existing fibers
        • Supports alternate route switching
      • Broadcast/Narrowcast VHub
        • Feeds up to 24 Nodes, up to 20k homes, with unique channel lineup for each node
        • Digital return eliminates needs to process upstream in hub site
        • Supports alternative route diversity
      • Commercial Services VHub
        • With GE4404 Node PON OLT module, operators can deliver EPON and TURBO EPON to businesses in outlying business parks
        • Delivers 16 Gbps bandwidth to up to 1094 PON subscribers
        • Delivers up to 88 Gbps aggregate bandwidth for point-to-point (GE, 10GE) access and uplink connection
      • Collector Node VHub
        • Extend upstream challenges and extend the life of DFB lasers
        • Extend upstream reach to over 100 km

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