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StreamScope Portal Tablet
StreamScope Portal Tablet

StreamScope Portal is the personal, portable MPEG analyzer for transport stream troubleshooting anywhere.

MPEG analysis on the go

StreamScope Portal performs complete real-time and file-based MPEG analysis. Its user-friendly form factor and multiple input options provides unprecedented ease-of-use and convenience.

StreamScope Portal analyzes video and audio bit rates and buffers, service statuses, LKFS levels, PCR jitter and accuracy, and more. With its color-coded GUI, you can drill down to table metadata, EPGs, log events, and more details. Plus you can customize the analysis rules to meet your troubleshooting needs.

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The StreamScope MT-50
The StreamScope MT-50

The StreamScope MT-50 HDT is a high-capacity professional MPEG analyzer with a high-def touchscreen. Now you can troubleshoot transport streams at the touch of a finger.

For comprehensive MPEG analysis This real-time, rule-based analyzer handles multiple inputs simultaneously. With pinpoint accuracy, the MT-50 HDT checks video and audio quality, monitors regulatory compliance, pinpoints metadata problems, and more.

StreamScope RM-40
StreamScope RM-40

Triveni Digital’s StreamScope RM-40 is a cost effective remote DTV transport stream monitor that provides effective quality checkpoints throughout your video network. The RM-40 can be configured for fulltime MPEG monitoring with a variety of signal input types, including QAM or 8-VSB, ASI, SMPTE-310 or GigaBit Ethernet IP. By continually monitoring all programs on all inputs, checking for MPEG errors or parameters not meeting ATSC, A/78, MPEG, SCTE or DVB standards, the RM-40 will alert cable TV head-end and broadcast engineers to service anomalies according to user defined severity levels. Engineers can select the type of alert to issue, including SNMP traps, cellphone/pager calls, emails or contact closures, along with the ability to define how often and how many alerts to send. The optional Remote Troubleshooting Module (RTm) now includes ‘LSm’ – Live Service Monitor, providing real-time video thumbnails, error/rule details and graphs of video service quality, bitrate and tracking of any changes to the stream under test.